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As you now know what SEO services are, it’s time to review the services offered by SEO companies. When it comes to SEO, you should partner with a provider that offers the complete package.

1. SEO audit

SEO audits should be part of every SEO company’s services.

During an SEO audit, your SEO provider examines your current strategy in depth.

In the absence of an SEO strategy, your agency will evaluate your website from an SEO perspective, looking at where it excels and where improvements may be needed.

Free SEO audit tools don’t provide the same insight as a team of SEO specialists.

This is why SEO services should include an audit. When they don’t, it indicates a lack of preparation and investment on the part of your SEO company. Your agency may not plan to create a customized SEO strategy for your business if there is no SEO audit. Instead, they use templates, which is why they don’t want to audit your site.

It is important to tailor your strategy to your business, your brand, and your target audience in order to achieve the best results.

2. Competitor analysis

Your SEO services should include a competitor analysis, no matter what your industry is. Your SEO company can discover online and offline competitors with competitor analysis tools.

You can use this discovery to inform your strategy, allowing you to take advantage of and benefit from competitor weaknesses. In addition to initial competitor analysis, you want to partner with SEO agencies that make competitor analyses a regular part of their services.

Continually assessing your competitors, they always look for opportunities.

3. Custom strategy

SEO services are defined by a custom strategy. You can maximize your return on investment (ROI) from SEO when you have a customized approach. Your business will receive more calls, orders, and visits as a result.

You should ensure your agency provides a customized SEO strategy if you invest in an SEO service package. Many SEO companies, especially those promoting “cheap” SEO services, deliver cookie-cutter or copy-and-paste services.

The ROI of SEO isn’t maximized if you take a cookie-cutter approach. Due to the fact that only 25% of users go beyond the first page of search results, companies fail to appear on the first page of search results with these kinds of strategies.

Therefore, you need to hire SEO companies that offer custom strategies for your team.

4. Off-page optimization

Off-page optimization should be included in your SEO package. In SEO, off-page optimization refers to optimizing factors outside your website that influence your ranking in search results. You can rank higher in search results depending on your backlink profile, for example.

For reference, your backlink profile refers to how many and what kind of websites link to yours. When sharing custom cookies you made for a wedding, a food blogger may link to your website.

An SEO company often offers the following off-page SEO services as part of its services:

  • Getting your website content in front of bloggers and webmasters
  • Create shareable content for your site’s blog
  • Tracking your company’s social media mentions by users and influencers
  • Getting your Google My Business profile optimized

You should ask an SEO agency if they offer off-page optimization with their SEO services. Your team can learn about what their SEO marketing services include, as well as what specific deliverables mean. When choosing an agency, your staff will be able to make an informed decision.

5. On-page optimization

SEO services also include on-page optimization. In on-page optimization, your SEO agency optimizes the features of your website to make it more search engine friendly.

Most SEO services include on-page optimization. As a result, if an SEO company does not provide on-page SEO, they aren’t offering search engine optimization services.

6. Monthly reports

SEO services must be transparent.

Partnering with an SEO company that provides regular monthly reports is critical if you want an agency your team can trust and depend on. By receiving an SEO report, your business can gain immediate insight into its SEO strategy’s results.

Reports may cover organic traffic, conversion rates, and search rankings for your website. Your SEO company should provide you with a monthly report, as well as a dedicated account manager.

You can ask questions, review your report one-on-one, and more when you have regular meetings with your account manager. You and your team can stay on the same page with your SEO agency by holding routine meetings.

7. Progressive optimization

In general, SEO services emphasize the partnership between your business and your SEO agency, as SEO is an ongoing strategy.

You collaborate continuously with your agency, which is why SEO companies should work as an extension of your organization. As a result, their services should include progressive optimization. As part of continuous optimization, your SEO agency optimizes your site on a regular basis.

You can earn more from SEO even after your site meets SEO standards because they continue to enhance your SEO strategy.

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