web design agency singapore


web design cost

Researching the cost of website design requires you to consider the factors that influence the price. When you create your website, you will need to consider these factors.

Number of pages

Your cost is influenced by the number of pages. A website overhaul will require you to determine how many pages your existing website has.

If you are just creating your website, you’ll need to consider the number of pages you’ll need. You can map out the different types of pages you’ll need, such as a home page, an “about us” page, and a “contact us” page.

As the number of pages increases, so will the cost. This is important to remember as you are figuring out the cost for professional web design.


The cost of your design is also affected by your choice. You should consider the type of design you want for your site.

Would you like something simple? Is something more intricate what you’re looking for? During the design process, you should ask yourself these questions.

You should choose a design style that reflects your business. Various types of businesses require different kinds of designs. Organic product sellers won’t have the same type of design as luxury product sellers.

Think about your business and what kind of design it needs. You’ll need to think about colors that fit your business as well.

A more intricate design will cost your business more money. Creating intricate designs requires time and effort. Simple but effective designs are cheaper.


You should also consider the text you want to include on your pages in addition to your design. You may still need copywriting services even if you already have a page that is established.

Investing in copywriting services is likely to be necessary for a newly created site. The process can be done on your own, but it can be time-consuming. You will need to decide whether you need to include copywriting services in your design package.

web design cost


These services will increase the price of your design if you need them. Depending on how many pages you have, the cost will vary. If you need new text on your page but don’t have time to write it, this is something to consider.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Your website needs to be found by people if you want it to be successful.

It is important to use keywords on your page in order to help your site rank better. Keywords are used by users to search. It triggers your website in the search results when they type certain keywords.

The keywords you use on your pages will help them rank higher in relevant search results if you’re using SEO with your website. A design’s cost can be affected by this factor.

It’s important to decide how many keywords you want to use on your site. Keyword integration prices will be affected by this. Your site will rank higher if you consider it.

Responsive design

The design of a website must be responsive. A responsive website is one that adapts its design to the device your audience is using. They will be able to access the website regardless of whether they are using a mobile device or a laptop.

In order to improve user experience, this is an important factor. For a positive user experience, your website should adapt to the device your audience is using.

You should include responsive design in your design plan. The benefits outweigh the cost. Your business will gain more leads and conversions if you improve the user experience on your site.

Content management system (CMS)

Do you plan to use content marketing? Budget for CMS costs if this is the case.

Using a CMS, you can seamlessly post content to your website. Your blog can be integrated into your website instead of being hosted separately.

If you want to use content marketing, it is worth investing in.

web design agency singapore
PHENOMENON provides creative web design and digital marketing solutions, engaging Southeast Asian audiences with regional consumer insights.

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PHENOMENON provides creative web design and digital marketing solutions, engaging Southeast Asian audiences with regional consumer insights.

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